What are your walls made of?
First we should ask ourselves what kind of walls your listening rooms are made out of. If the answer is really thick concrete then this is great from the perspectve that you can maybe play really loud without your neighbours hearing you but from a standing wave perspective it is not so good, unless well treated. Thick concrete does not absorb any low frequencies at all and therefore leaves them bouncing back and forth within the room, creating booming e ects. If this is the case then we recommend really thick panels, like the SuperChunk and SuperChunk Corner on these areas because then you do not only treat the rst- hand re ec ons but also the lower frequencies. You can easily hear these standing waves if you play some music with a lot of bass, like pipe organ music or reggae, and take a walk around your room, listening at di erent spots: the middle of the room, near the walls, and in the corners. You’ll probably notice that the bass sounds stronger near the walls and especially in the corners, where standing waves tend to collect. These are speci c types of standing waves which are called “room resonance modes.”
Now if you have very thin walls or walls made out of several layers of gypsym boards or similar there is a big chance that stand- ing waves are not that much of a problem and then you can use thinner panels for the rst-hand re ec ons, like the Hertz model.
So these are the areas to focus on and they are easily spo ed and easily dealt with. And again: Do not go and put sound ab- sorbers all over because that is not good either unless you have a movie room where the electron- ics usually aid in giving the spa al feeling – movie listening rooms can bene- t a bit more from add- ed absorp on than HiFi listening rooms because of this.
The solution for room reflections is acoustic absorbers, that when placed correctly allow you to hear more of the speakers and less of the room.